A great deal of mental and spiritual energy are expended in choosing the right words to have carved in stone. But it's done. Words and stone chosen, sketch drawnand approved, contract signed, money paid. Jordan's small, deeply meaningful, granite monument will be set in place in four to six weeks, so I'm told. A mother who lost her 9-year-old son to leukemia 3 and a half years ago wrote to me that she still hasn't been able to bring herself to undertake this weighty task. I send up a prayer for clarity of heart and mind for all parents who have this decision ahead of them, and another prayer of thanks that it is behind us at last.
I taught the lesson on the great plan of salvation last Sunday. All things pale in significance in comparison to it, and it "ought to occupy our strict attention, and be regarded as one of heaven's best gifts to mankind." said the beloved-by-many(including me) and despised-by-others Prophet Joseph Smith. So what is this plan?Squeezing its vastness and majesty into a too tight nutshehll, it is designed to give us, God's children, the opportunity to become like Him, forever living with Him and our families in a state of perfect, unending, purposeful joy. There is so very much more to it than that, for it is marvelous and glorious and worth every effort to understand and comply with.
Because we're in an uneventful period just now, I suspect my postings will be less frequent for the next while. If anything noteworthy occurs, I promise to make haste and report it. I think you can subscribe to post Atom, whatever that is, and possibly be notified of new posts so that you don't have to check back before a new one comes along. Until then, may God bless us all, and may we always remember to turn to Him in good times and bad. He is the Rock of our salvation!
Oh, wait, wait. This is less daunting..I'm working on my own epitaph now. This is what I've come up with so far:
Was blind,
But now I see!
Preliminaries for Confirming or Ordaining
5 years ago
Oh how I love your undauntable spirit !!!!!
ditto... I love everything about you, in fact!
Right back atcha, and a big Thank you too.
Once again a post worthy of thought and careful pondering. Thank you-look forward to your next post, whenever it may be. Until then, I pray for calm days for you!
PS Your epitaph is most appropriate!
Wave wave to Louise.
Hi Bonnie--
This is Shanna Wray(sister of Brandon) and I just found your blog. I am so sorry to hear about Jordan and hope that you have some peace and happiness. My sister and were just talking about you and your beautiful voice...We have Never heard anything more beautiful! I just have to tell you that I think the world of you. Ever since I had you as my sunday school teacher when I was 12 years old I have just smiled when thnking about you. We always had a fun tme in class.! Thank you for this wonderful blog. I will check back. You are an amazing person and I hope all your family is well. Something funny...Kimball and my brother Brandon babysat my newborn twins on my first anniversary and I came home to find that they were eating the stale top layer of wedding cake. They were trying to pretend they didn't know what it was! Those two make me laugh. This week we are having our 10 year anniversary. How time flies. Oh, and I loved the epitaph! No wonder your boys are so clever and funny. They et that from you!
Shanna Wray Hansen
Shanna! No, I found you! I found you from Jenna's blogs,. Then I found Emily and Melissa from your blog, And I was going to go back and comment later. But you beat me to it. It's wonderful to find you. Kimball always asks me how Brandon's doing, and I never know. So now I have a reliable source. You've made my day! I'll be back to your blog forthwith.
That is really funny! I have been laid up for the last few weeks with a herniated disc, therefore I have been on the computer way too much! Melissa told me about a couple of RC blogs a while back, and so I was looking at some, and found yours, but now I don't know how I did! I have looked at a bunch of blogs in the last 24 hours...Everyone in my family is good. I know Brandon wonders about Kimball also. They need to get in touch. I saw that picture of Colin; what a handsome boy! All your boys are. I am so glad to find you! Would you care if I link you on my blog?
Well, this is so strange it has to Mean something. You found me, I found you. We are meant to read each other's blogs for sure! And yes, you may link my blog. All I know how to do is post comments and entries. For all the other stuff, I call in reinforcements. So if it's ok, I'll ask Missy or Brianna to link yours for me too. Ok? It's nice not to have to type in the addys. I'll link a couple of others while I'm at it. Becky's, PollyAnna's.....
Hugs, - Bonnie
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