It's Shane's eighteenth birthday! We've all gone out of our way to let him know how much we love him. He's been showered with gifts from friends and leaders. Brianna made him a tres leches birthday cake, I made him one of his favorite treats, a couple of his brothers phoned and emailed him, and the Boy Scouts of America even sent word of their acceptance of his Eagle application! And so its gone all day.. But no one, and I do mean no one, has done more for him today than his good friend, Jack.
Jack has given his all, his everything, for Shane! Thank you, o noble Jack. You have taught us a great lesson in selflessness.
Peerless pumpkin bars
Well a very hearty Happy Birthday to you Shane and I am glad to know that Jack will always be a part of you!! Maybe you better eat a few more pumpkin bars to ensure that he stays close. I am glad to know I will be able to see Jack's smile shining through on Shane's face.
Happy Birthday !!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Shane... May you always have good days and good friends... like Jack... What a sport! [wink]
Greetings most esteemed and newestest member of the Washburn family to adulthood. This letter serves to both cordially and formally welcome you to the rest of your life. I hope this message finds you in both high spirits and a sober state(although you are legally an adult you still aren't of sufficient age to partake of the beverage of King Laban). As you embark on this journey please keep in mind that you have no more and no less than 12 years to accomplish all the desires and designs of your heart before the bondage of "old age" begins to set in. Take it from someone who has recently reached the milestone of 30 years of age and please listen to this advice as if it were scripture...
"I exhort you that ye must be diligent and steadfast in attaining all things excellent before thou shalt attain the age of thirty years. For behold, if ye do not abide your time with fruitful labors thy gut shall runeth over and hinder thy feet from that whitch they desire to accomplish."
It is my hope and desire that you will take heed to these words and refrain from the frivolent shenanigans that so plague young americans in this generation.
Congratulations and Happy Birthday
Shane says thank you very much to Julie and Polly! And to G-Dogg, he says, bow-woeth!
Happy Birthday Shane! I must say, visiting the "World of Washburns" is an enlighting and unique experience!! Carry on...
Just lookin' for material, Louise. Wait a little and it turns up eventually, if you know what I mean. ;)
Happy Birthday Shane! I hope you had a lot of fun!
And as for Jack, I'm sorry to see he is gone but it looks like he left a Yummy legacy.
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