Thursday, April 16, 2009

Betrayal! Confession...Forgiveness?

I thought she loved me. No, I know she loves me, but my sister kept essential information from me for months, information I need, life-altering information! If that's not betrayal, I don't know what is!!! Because I love her, still, I will not reveal which sister did this to me. Today, she came clean, and now I know the hideous truth. Within mere hours of hearing it, I am sharing it with you. Why? Because I am an ethical person, that's why!

We ate tilapia for Easter dinner, and we had prepared tilapia, sweet potatoes, and spinach for dinner tonight. Then, the phone rang. It was my sister. We talked about our dinner menus. Then, far too late, she told me something she found out last summer and purposely withheld from me till now.


Here is all the proof I need:

Bonnie no longer eats tilapia. And you shouldn't either!


Julie said...

Good for you !!!!!! and yuck, yuck, yuck, thanks for sharing!!!!!

Darin and Angie Smith said...

That was one of the funniest post I have ever read.
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