It's always been a priority to live within our means, and we "means" to keep on doing it! Pres. Hinckley used to quote a WWII saying that went like this, "Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without." That's pretty much been our philosophy as well. When we make a purchase other than groceries, it's noteworthy. So, note this!
1. Our new juicer. No, it's not a Vita-Mix, that's not within our means. But this still allows us to enjoy the health benefits of yummy, fresh carrot juice.MMMMMM carrotopia! Brianna and I are having fun experimenting with a variety of fruits and vegetables.
The second website contains all the wonderful talks from our brand-new general conference, delicious refreshment for the soul!
Both sites are priceless. And this proves it:
2 Ne 26:25 Come unto me… buy milk and honey, without money and without price
Nephi again borrows from the prophecies of Isaiah. This passage, found in Isa 55:1, discusses how the blessings of the gospel can be obtained without money or material wealth. Although Nephi is using this passage to demonstrate that the Lord invites all to come unto him, the following explanation is useful. From the 1981 Old TestamentInstitute Manual: “The invitation to come unto Christ and obtain those gifts without money and without price suggests not that they can be obtained without effort, however, but that one does not need the goods of this world to obtain them.
So these are our new and exciting finds. We won't elaborate on Shane's less than frugal new gismo, an Apple iPod touch though, anymore than to say that he can use it to read the commentary from gospel doctrine .com during our scripture study. That's one way he stays so in tune!
Love the curtain, and the fruit looks great on the table. let me know your favortie blend with the juicer.
Yippee! Y'all gonna be so healthy and hopping around doing good !
yummmmmm... JUICE... and we just feasted on Conference too... I am so grateful for this newest technology on that brought Conference into my family room... in big screen color and perfect sound... NO skipping...!!!!!! YIPPEEEEE
I think it's always fun to have different window treatments... we did a bit of that this year too (thought ours was more rearranging some that we had...) That, along with refinished floors, freshly painted walls, and some furniture we had been saving practically forever to buy... We were able passed on the old furniture to married kids that needed it and continue to "downsize" as the children all move on to their own lives, in their own homes...
You know...??? This empty nester stuff is getting a bit serious, around here! [wink]
Fancy juicer! It makes my mouth water! And thanks for the GBH quote, I haven't heard that in a long time and need to make that our family's mantra!
Amy J.
I'll be sure to let you know, Liz. So far we've just done plain, carrot, carrot with celery, and carrot with orange. Plain carrot is the taste winner of those three, although the additions up the nutrition.
Hi there, Anonymous, I hope it has us hopping! Extra energy would be a nice bonus!
I know our walls are thirsty for fresh paint, Pollyanna, but our resident painter isn't ready to tackle that project. Colorful accents will have to tide us over, and maybe draw the eye away from scuffed walls.
Amy, you're light years ahead of us in frugality. I always love reading about your money'saving adventures. Please post 'em early, if they're duplicatable.
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