Saturday, May 30, 2009

Look Mom, Great Buns!

I'm not bragging. I'm not boasting. I am merely ecstatically thankful that I made a successful batch of homemade whole wheat hamburger buns yesterday. If you had ever eaten any of the others I've pulled out of the oven before, you'd be grateful too! Those were dark, dense, and heavy. These, oh these, they were light and uncrumbly. If I must say so myself, strictly in the interest of accuracy, yesterday's batch was perfect! All I did was follow the recipe to the letter, and it worked. There's a lot to be said for good old-fashioned obedience. Obey the recipe!

I also made black bean burgers to eat on those perfect hamburger buns. And I have a couple of other veggie burger recipes waiting in the wings to try. Then, not to become too puffed up with virtuous cooking, I made oreo truffles. Brianna kindly did the dipping for me, some in white chocolate, some in semisweet chocolate. It was a fun few hours spent in the kitchen. When I wasn't in there, I was either napping or reading. I'm thoroughly enjoying a book of plays by Agatha Christie, duly impressed with the surprising twists she builds into her plots. Witness for the Prosecution and The Mousetrap are my favorites so far. Agatha Christie, or Dame Mallowan, was called the Queen of Crime with good reason!

One more excellent development: Colin landed a great job this week. It could possibly even see him all the way through college, debt free. And thus we see that good things do come to those who wait.

7 comments: said...

So glad you have such nice buns!! *giggle* Really though...I'm glad the recipe turned out so well for you!

Bonnie said...

Hey, that was Laura! Theeeeee Laura. The one with the great recipe for hamburger buns. She visited my blog.
Hi Laura, and thanks soooo much for your amazing recipe! It made me feel like a winner!

Cindy said...

Sounds delightful! Sounds even better with your homemade buns! I have a Southwest black bean burger recipe that I really enjoy. It's so fun to try new recipes. Even when they don't work out.

Bonnie said...

Cindy, how could someone get their hands on your southwest black bean burger recipe? Love those healthy black beans!

~pollyanna said...

Oh how fabulous my darling friend... I LOVE to bake, and have been doing quite a bit of it over the last year+ since I "retired"... With any kind of roll or bun recipe I always go back to the advice my momma gave me... "don't over flour"... (because my buns were always too... whatever... it's too embarrassing to admit...)

This recipe is very close to momma's, but since I like trying new ones I will try this one... soon...

and... should you desire to share any bean recipes you get I would love that too! You KNOW how I feel about beans...

Becky Noftle said...

Man I wish I could say my 'buns' were great--although they are soft and squishy!

Bonnie said...
