So very happy! It's not Richter's that's plaguing me after all. It's my old nemesis, CLL/SLL, that's flexing its muscles and trying to get the upper hand again. It'll take some hard work and determination to calm him down, but I'm up for the challenge!
We talkes strategy some today, but didn't come to a decision yet. I'll have a CT scan on the 30th, labs and appointment with the doc on April 4th, and try to choose a treatment plan then.
Thanks for the prayers and support. And thanks to my Heavenly Father for another chance.
Preliminaries for Confirming or Ordaining
5 years ago
That it AWESOME!!!! I was just thinking about your this morning, I'm so happy for you and everyone. Keep us informed.
It's a lot more fun to share good news than bad! Hurray and thanks for checking in!
I'm doing a happy dance right now!!!
Singing songs of praise and gratitude loudly !!!!!! Sure love you bunches and bunches !!!!
Phew---now prayers for relief from the symptoms and the Doctors to make the right choice for your health and life---long life.
We still have you in our prayers....knowing that you are not yet feeling well.
We will not forget you!
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