Thursday, July 23, 2009

Grandma Got Run Over by the Buffalo!

On the 18th of this month, I turned 58 years old. I love it, love it! When I was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia back in March of 2006, then found out that I had one of the more active types of CLL, I wasn't sure I'd make it this far. But I have, and I'm going strong! I've got another check up with the hematologist/oncologist next month and I don't anticipate any change in my status. I finished chemo two years ago, and I'm hoping to continue to avoid further treatment for a long time to come.

I had fun this year, choosing my own birthday gifts. I went totally pioneer! Dan gave me my first ever lesson in log cabin construction tonight. I had dreams of becoming quite the builder, but it looks like I'll be sticking with making pioneer food, telling pioneer stories, and singing (and yodeling) pioneer songs. The Tumbletree Timbers set says for three years and up, but I'm just too young at heart for it. I'm a hands-on kind of builder, and the somewhat wobbly logs don't seem to be the touchie-feelie type. Aw well, maybe the grandkids'll be able to get play value out of them. As far as that goes, it's all about them, all of the time, anyway! Even though we don't get to see each other nearly often enough, a big part of my heart belongs to Jaxon, Kaden, Victoria, Brooklyn, Julianna, Lilly, Christian, Sophia, and a new little one to be born in less than a month, as well as all the others who are still waiting for their turn on earth. Grand pa Dan and I would cross the plains, ford the rivers, climb the mountains, just like the pioneers of old did, for you.


Anonymous said...

Your pioneer scene is nice and there is a piece of rainbow in the sky which brings to mind a hope of many good times to come. We pray for your health to be maintained and for many log cabins to be built with those grandchildren. Keep enjoying life!
Love! Becky and Ray

Bonnie said...

I've decided to do everything in my power to live with maximum happiness!! It's not enough to live, gotta be happy while we're at it. Just this afternoon Jamie and I were cooking up ideas for costumes she can sew for me to take to the grandkids, and to have here for any that come a-visiting. Fun fun!