Saturday, November 22, 2008

Jujubean: The Fairest Bean in All the Land

Names in order
Back row: Jim (standing)
Front row left to right:
Jenny, Bonnie, Julie, Jamie, Becky

Long, long ago, in a far away land, a sweet baby girll skipped among the stars, danced across the moon, and slid down the rainbow, right into the hearts and home of her eagerly awaiting family. A little of the magic of her entrance into the world still clings to her these many years hence. Peacemaker, confidant, righter of wrongs, first to lend a helping hand and last to leave, we celebrate the birthday of Julie Anne, aka Jujubean, this day!

Truly, there is no one like Julie. Her caring compassion and creativity are boundless. Former President Bill Clinton popularized the words, "I feel your pain," but Julie epitomizes them. When I described my first meeting with my counselor to her a few weeks ago, she asked, "Did you tell her about ---- (mentioning the name of a family member)?" "No," I replied. "Well, did you tell her about ---- (another family member)?" Again, I answered in the negative. I share her concerns, but apparently not to the same extent that she feels them. She has much in common with the Savior, in that she is able to take upon herself the burdens and pains of others. At the same time, she is cheerful, optimistic, and laughs often.

Besides the little book I gave you for your birthday when you wer here last week, Julie, I have one more gift for you. No more tears. I don't want to add any more burdens for your tender heart to carry. For the rest of my days, I will be laughing all the way.


Julie said...

Ohhhhhhhh, thank you, said with tears in my eyes, you are far too kind and give me so much more in return !!!! I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck!!!!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday, Julie. I hope you had a wonderful day.


Liz said...

Happy Happy b-day. You are wonderful!

jacksonx03 said...

Wow, Bonnie! You articulated my thoughts on my mom perfectly! Except where does Jujubean come from? I have never heard that. Thanks for the great post!

Bonnie said...

Amy, Jujubean is just a funny little name I like to call her. She's great at visual descriptions, but I'm not too bad at personality descriptions, huh.
Thanks for the birthday greetings, too, Liz and Sheila. We are now all chartter members of the Jujubean fanclub!

Unknown said...

Hey, count me in on the Jujubean fan club. Ditto those wonderful words about a simply incredible sister, but in reality all my sisters are incredibly wonderful!

Love to you all! Becky

Jamie said...

Happy Happy Birthday to my favorite baby sister in Utah. I wish you lived closer to me so I could enjoy your quirkiness. I really really do love you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you all for the wishes !!!!! I am grateful for all you too !!!!
Love ya , Julie