Friday, October 18, 2013

Infallible Fall

“Now, let me say unequivocally that I am thrilled with the educational and other opportunities that are available to women. I treasure the fact that the backbreaking work and domestic drudgery required of women has been reduced in much of the world because of modern conveniences and that women are making such magnificent contributions in every field of endeavor. But if we allow our culture to reduce the special relationship that children have with mothers and grandmothers and others who nurture them, we will come to regret it.” (From GC by Quentin L. Cook)

Grandpa Dan and I are grateful that our dear sons and daughters-in-law encourage closeness with our very precious grandchildren.  We sometimes talk with them on the phone, exchange emails with several of them, receive cards, notes, and pictures from them, and are invited to some of their special events.  We can’t always make it, but we try very hard to go to as many as we can.  And best of all, sometimes they make the long drive, or flight, to visit us!  That’s what happened last weekend.  Even Santa Claus couldn’t have equaled the excitement we felt when we heard that Ethan and Missy’s family were coming to town!  Even though it took an unbelievable amount of work, we persuaded a local farmer to put on a Fall Festival in their honor!  ☻ Shane, just up from Provo for a visit before his long trip to Peru, was our photographer.  Thank you, Shane!

Three itsy bitsy spiders climbed on the spider web, Brooklyn, Lilly, and Zaid.

All aboooooaaaard?!

Patient little ponies
It’s a cornbox, right? think they can build a corncastle?
They call it a grain train
Swinging along down the trail

Ride –him, cowboys!
Last, we all hungrily trudged through the corn, thinking that corn
mazes aren’t all they’re Jimmy crack corned up to be.
Haha, he made a tree guardian for us

And then we went to Chick- Fil-A, then took in a 3D movie at Colin and Macey’s cute new house, followed by a wiener roast in Grandma and Grandpa’s backyard. Hurray for family, for fall, and for fun times together.  And prayers, please, for our sweet son Shane on his travels.


Anonymous said...

You have a lot of pull with those farmers and cowboys!!!, great to see so many smiling faces for a fun family adventure !!!!

Anonymous said...

You have a lot of pull with those farmers and cowboys!!!, great to see so many smiling faces for a fun family adventure !!!!

Bonnie said...

I come from good old farming stock, and I love their honest, good-hearted ways. We need more farmers and cowboys! ☻

Anonymous said...

In honor of this blogpost I just bought me a pair of cowboy boots !!! Lizard and Buffalo skin --- Yippe Ki Aye !!!!

Bonnie said...

Aw, what a stylin' little dogie you will be! ... whoever you are. :PI'm guessing, uh, Greg?

Anonymous said...

Nope !!!

Bonnie said...

Julie? The three exclamation marks make me think it could be so.