Friday, May 10, 2013

Another Family Trip!

Families can, they really can, be together forever.  It will take a lot of faith, and love, and work, but I know it can be so!  This is especially meaningful, because it was five years ago today that our beloved Jordan died.  My constant hope and prayer is that our whole family will learn to love and value each other, according to Heavenly Father’s great plan of happiness, both here and hereafter.  There is a lot of work to do toward that end, but it can be done. 

For example, a very nice chunk of it was done last weekend.   Dan and I were invited to Denver for the baptism of our granddaughter Julianna!   

Tori played the piano while we sang the opening song, I Am a Child of God, and for the closing song Juli sang When I Am Baptized, accompanied by Katey on the harp.

Feasting on Jan’s baptism treats

Greg and Shauna
Neil and Penny’s twins, McKay and McKenna
Then both sides of the family went to an Italian buffet called Cinzetti’s for a fabulous lunch.  Highly recommended.  Their cinnamon gelato stole my heart, which is always up for grabs when it comes to desserts. 
Uncle Neil and Aunt Penny after a couple of 8-year-olds finished with his hair!

My my, McKay, what big feet you have.

Six of our little twinkling stars: Levi, 5; Christian, 6; Julianna, 8; Josalyn, 8: Katey, 13

We missed Alyssa and wish she had been there too.  Grandpa Dan made a baptism game for me to use in my Primary class, so we brought it along and had fun sitting around the kitchen table playing it with the children.  They play well, and they work well.  We observed Christian and Levi unloading the dishwasher, and another time they were setting the table.  While Shauna made a couple of apple pies before church, the girls were washing and wrapping potatoes to bake.  They also took turns clearing the table, and loading the dishwasher.  Grandpa Dan and I got a kick out of seeing them happily, busily, in action.   
What an altogether great trip we had!  We read two good books while we drove, “Same Kind of Different As Me” by Ron Hall and Denver Moore, and “COMETS – Creators and Destroyers” by David H. Levy.  Also highly recommended.  Ha, it gave us something to do while we were sitting in a repair shop trying to solve the mystery of our overheating Subaru.  We’ve since learned this is a common problem with Subarus, and it often stymies the best of mechanics.  We’re so thankful our prayers for safe travel were affirmatively answered, and that we spent the weekend in “a Christ-centered home where the gospel is taught, covenants are kept, and love abounds.”  Elder Richard G. Scott 


Greg said...

Looks like you had a killer time!

Bonnie said...

You should know, it's your fault!

Anonymous said...

It was fun to see all the fun you had and all the great and talented grandchildren you have ---so glad families can be together forever too !~!!!!! Sure love you !!!