Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Memorable Toast

Our good friends, Rick and JoLyn, paid us 2 visits this month, on their way to and from Utah. We devoured the killer coconut brownies too quickly to snap a picture, but here's part of our patriotic breakfast, all-American toast.

Spread the toast with cream cheese, then raspberry or strawberry jam. Then add a field of blueberries in the upper lefthand corner with a few stars of cream cheese on top, and red and white stripes of sliced bananas and jam. Yum! I also served red, white, and blue boiled eggs, and little meat sticks (sausages might work better) with a toothpick inserted in one end to resemble fireworks.

And why is there a hanger on the table? Well, I didn't realize it was there until Julie mentioned it. But, it just may be a reminder of Benjamin Franklin's statement, "We must all hang together, gentlemen...else, we shall most assuredly hang separately". This was in reference to the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. Brave patriots, our founding forefathers!


Liz said...

mmm that toast sounds super yummy! And I love the hanger part of the story:)

Bonnie said...

It was good, Liz! So good I'm even thinking of making it on days other than the Fourth.