Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine from Heaven

Since Jordan died, I've found myself wishing, and even praying, that I'd dream about him, so that I could hear his voice and feel his personality again for awhile. Not being much of a night-dreamer, it's not too surprising that it hasn't happened. But last night as I went off to bed, I asked Dan to set the alarm clock for 6AM, so that I'd have a little extra time to put a few finishing touches on my Primary lesson. then I changed my mind and upped that to 5AM. I am so glad he didn't hear me and set it for 6 as I'd originally asked. Because, this morning, I dreamed of Jordan! I dreamed I was sitting on the loveseat, talking on the phone with Carol Cornwall, a friend of long ago that I recently reconected with, and just as she was telling me some really interesting news, the front door opened, and in came Jordan, just as if he'd been doing it every day without any interruption. My heart swelled with joy, I let the phone fall from my hand onto the loveseat without signing off or anything, and cried, "Jordan! Where have you been?!" He answered just as calm as you please, saying,, "Oh, I've been around for about a month and a half," as he walked across the room to look at something or pick up the mail or something. It was all so natural and so low-key. Low-key for him, but exhilarating for me! I ran across the room and threw my arms around his waist, hugging him from behind. I gave a long, loud, wordless, shout of joy. Dan hurried into the living room to see what was going on, and then, then I woke up. It was the best dream I have ever had, that's for sure. I checked the time, and it was 3 minutes before 6AM. Oh! if I'd risen earlier, I might have missed my wonderful valentine from heaven.

Dan was such a huge help to me yesterday as we prepared for our family Valentine's Day dinner. He made radish roses, halved and scooped out, and filled the twice-baked potatoes, helped with flattening and rolling up the chicken and cranberry filling, divided the Nutella mousse into the cups, etc. Not used to being so involved, he asked, "Why are you so needy today?" I told him that I'm always needy, but that in recent years Colin or Shane or Brianna were around to be my assistants. Now our household has dwindled down to the point that he's my one and only right hand man. And he came through with flying colors. A good meal, and a good time, was had by all. :D

Today's Primary lesson went well, too. Skylar, Makhyla, Andrew, and Nathan were elsewhere, but Kylie and I had a great class on dodging temptation with Ally, Connor, Doug, Lauren, Madison, Phoebe, Marinda, and Allie. Primary can truly bless lives. I know, because it has blessed mine.


Anonymous said...

It is wonderful to know that the Lord loves you and lets you feel His love, and Jordan's love in a dream !!! Happy Valentines Day from Heaven !!!!
Looks like a grand Valentine Display on your Table. good enough to eat !!! I am sure the children had fun in your class--they are lucky to have such a teacher as you !!!!

Liz said...

Oh you made me cry. I am so happy you got such a great valentine!

Adena and Greg said...

How wonderful to get to dream of Jordan. He is missed here too, I was just thinking of him the other day and how his birthday is coming up. I hope you have a great day for him.

Bonnie said...

Aw, thank you so much, sister, niece, and friend. Greg, your birthday's coming up, too, just 10 days after Jordan's, right? All the brothers except Shane, who's on a mission, will be here the week after his birthday, so we will definitely do something to express our combined love for him while we're all together. Happy birtday to you on the 26th of March, or whenever it is, in case I misremembered. :)

Anonymous said...

What a lucky Sunday School class. Sister Washburn was my Sunday School teacher...and I love her for it. And for lots of other reasons. You really have a great family.
Derek Allred

Bonnie said...

We love you too, Derek. Thank you for your kind words. That's the only kind you know, though.
I remember Greg telling me about a story you wrote when you were in the third grade or so. In it, you wrote that you came in 2nd or 3rd place in a race. Most of us would have given ourselves 1st place. So, on behalf of everyone, I hereby award you 1st place!